A published author, in his book Carry Me Carson wrote in part:
“Baseball is deep in my soul. I loved putting on the jersey, the long socks, the pants; the whole uniform. I loved sliding in the dirt, the smell of my glove and the anticipation of playing the game. I loved going up to the plate holding the bat in my hands and swinging it around before I actually took my stance. I was always first to bat.” Carson Leslie, Carry Me
The Rangers & Yankees were kind & generous to Carson now after his death they’ve been kind & generous to our foundation…
I’ve written MANY letters to good ‘ole Joe Torre who serves as MLB’s Chief Baseball Officer asking MLB to go GOLD in September, childhood cancer awareness month…
There’s been teams of us talking with the MLB…
Every year we celebrate Carson’s birthday and load a limo full of cancer fighting teens from Children’s Health and head to a Texas Ranger’s Game in a suite with all the bells and whistles baseball offers!
In my score book this is a GRAND SLAM for the MLB especially since cancer is the #1 disease killer of American children & baseball is America’s pastime…play BALL!