helping kids fight cancer
Home » CLF response to COVID-10

We are providing gifts and food for young cancer fighters and their families Sheltered-in-Place at Children’s

While our globe is gripped with The Virus, our hearts run to kids battling cancer with severely suppressed immune systems. The Virus entering their already compromised bodies could be even more life threatening.

We’re working closely with Children’s Dallas filling the gap for these families and it was brought to our attention that healthy packaged food for parents at the bedside of their child is a great need. Trader Joe’s donated towards our first delivery. A $25 donation would cover 3 meals for a parent during these difficult days of COVID-19.

Or, if you’re interested in providing something to entertain the kids, here’s a link to an Amazon list we created with guidance from Children’s🎗

Select from CLF’s Amazon List

North Texas Giving Day Donation

If prayers are your contribution, thank you!!

We are grateful for your support of these dear children who are fighting for their lives🎗