When: October 19th
Where: Elm Fork Shooting Range, 10751 Luna Road Dallas, TX
Registration: 11am
Lunch: 12pm Meat You Anywhere BBQ
First Pull: 1pm
Pistol Shoot: 4:30pm
Awards: 5pm

Carson Leslie
Event Chairman: Kipp Webster
Golden Gun (Title) – $7,500
(2) teams of four, (8) shots with the Golden Gun, goodie bag, recognition on signage and scorecard
Golden Eye (Ammo) – $5,000
(2) teams of four, (8) shots with the Golden Gun, recognition on signage and scorecard
Goldfinger (Lunch) – $3,000
(1) team of four, (4) shots with the Golden Gun, recognition on scorecard
You Only Live Twice (Hospitality) – $1,500
(1) team of four and recognition on scorecard
Thunderball (Team) – $750
(1) team of four
Casino Royale (Station) – $500
Signage at station
License to Kill (individual Shooter) – $250
Raffle Tickets – $10 each or 6 for $50
3 shots with the Golden Gun – $30