Fifteen cancer fighting teens from Children’s Medical Center of Dallas are running away from the harshness of chemo, blood draws, hospital stays and everything else that goes with fighting cancer to watch a little Texas vs. Texas baseball on July 6, 2013 when The Ranger’s host The Astros in Arlington!!
These courageous young cancer patients will LIVE LARGE and receive VIP treatment starting with traveling first class to the ballpark in a party limousine bus, relax in an air conditioned suite complete with enough food and drinks to satisfy each hungry cancer fighting teen guest and receive goodie bags from The Texas Rangers.
Jim Knox and Rangers Captain have made guest appearances in the past to greet these young cancer patients. This 3rd Annual tradition between Children’s, The Carson Leslie Foundation, The Texas Rangers and Premier Transportation has become a summer highlight for everyone involved.
“It is not on accident we’re taking these amazing teens to the ballpark on July 6; that’s our Carson’s birthday! And in my heart, it’s like we are throwing him a birthday party at his VERY favorite place on this earth, the ballpark!!” Annette Leslie aka Carson’s mom
Carson wrote a book, Carry Me, which was published 6 days before he died; in it he wrote:
“Baseball is deep in my soul. I loved putting on the jersey, the long socks, the pants; the whole uniform. I loved sliding in the dirt, the smell of my glove and the anticipation of playing the game. I loved going up to the plate holding the bat in my hands and swinging it around before I actually took my stance. I was always first to bat.” Carson Leslie, Carry Me
Carson fought for life with an athlete’s heart. When cancer was relentless; he died young & fearless with his dying wish, “Momma, make sure they study those tumors in my brain, if those tumors can help some kid not die from cancer like I am, I’d like that; it’s hard to have cancer.” The Carson Leslie Foundation has made remarkable strides in the world of childhood cancer research. Bold new discoveries are being made using those tumors.
Each year, accompanying the patients are Carson’s oncologist & favorite nurse!
Carson was, and still is a very special friend of The Texas Rangers.